Weekly Journal

  • Weekly Journal

    Healthy work-life balance

    Health, and finding a healthy work-life balance, was the focus of week two. The week came with a decent level of success and productivity within my job… but it started out with a full day in bed and on the couch due to a migraine. Migraines and health issues have been a familiar hurdle for me for the past ten years. In the past year, it’s only gotten worse. Most weeks include at least one day of feeling under the weather, at varying levels of severity. This has a clear impact on my ability to work effectively. Health and work One of the many reasons I decided to pursue the…

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  • Weekly Journal

    One week as a new freelancer

    Hi from me, the intentional, new freelancer, at the end of my first “official” work week. The last post was pretty emotionally draining – having to relive my experiences of the past year was not super fun. I felt defeated and guilty for not having worked more and accomplished more. (Confessions of a chronic overachieving perfectionist). I decided to treat the week of May 17-21 as my first week of work, even though I have been mentally “working” on my freelancing career since October. This felt like the best way to really denote the shift in mindset and to give myself the accountability and responsibility that comes with starting a…

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  • Weekly Journal

    Just getting started as a freelancer

    Hey, I’m Darian. I’m a (proud!) introvert just getting started on a freelancing business in website creation and content writing. Through the lengthy process of getting my dream career off the ground, I found myself wishing I could see an honest account of someone else with my personality starting a business and getting clients written while they were going through the process. There’s plenty of advice out there about getting clients, marketing and selling your services, and starting a business. But… I found that much of the advice I read REALLY didn’t resonate with me. I am not someone who thrives in a big networking event setting, so why would…

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  • Weekly Journal

    Hi and welcome!

    A little about me… Welcome to Intentional Freelancer! I’m so glad you’re here. My name is Darian and I am in the middle of my journey to becoming a successful freelancer. Yes, “success” is pretty subjective, and that will be the topic of lots of posts to come – stay tuned. I hope this blog can be a place where you see yourself somewhere in my attempts to become a freelancer. I also hope that I can encourage you to reach your goals without sacrificing yourself in the process. So, a little about me… I am extremely introverted, I crave peace and wholeness in my life, and I still don’t…